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  • ldaly001

A new Apple in The Big Apple

I was 7 years old the fall of 1984. I went to Corpus Christi Elementary School in Woodside, Queens, New York and, unbeknownst to me, I was going to come face-to-face with the future. Its name was an Apple Macintosh and it was big and bulky; it frightened and intimidated me. My class had about 5 computers to share among 25 second graders who only knew how to push, shove and spread their germs.

My earliest memory revolves around a mathematical assignment asking each student to input data that would pinpoint how many degrees there were in a circle. I remember the green, pixelated turtle like it was yesterday and how absurdly slow it was it was to process (based on today's standards). My classmates and I would go into waves of laughter discovering how off our predictions were. I don't recall how many attempts it took me but I'm pretty sure I used up the allotted time with x many attempts to finally come up with 360 degrees. I remember enjoying the experience but not fully liking it or feeling the need to spend my time getting acquainted with

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