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  • ldaly001

And then came the C64: Commodore 64

Around the same year Apple Macintosh came into my life the fall of 1984, my parents purchased a Commodore 64 as a birthday present for my brother. It was his 10th birthday. He was so obnoxiously excited with his computer, all he did was spend hours upon hours inputting commands, (I guess what we would call “codes” in today’s tech terms), to end up with a picture;

a picture he had previously picked out of some book that included each set of commands for a particular image. The idea was sweet, innocent…what wasn’t sweet nor innocent was my brother’s reaction when he found out somewhere along the lines of entering the information he had a typo (or may have completely skipped a step all together) and there was something off with the final product. Either there was an extra line, or it was off center or perhaps some part of the image was missing. It frustrated him but back to the drawing board he would always go. I tried my hand at it a few times, but I found the process daunting and exhausting.

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